# Sponzori / Sponsors


Mittel- und Osteuropa
ein Programm der Robert Bosch Stiftung

DOWNLOAD & UPDATE is a unique opportunity for young artists who deal in their artistic practice with topics of today's society and express their own experience in the field of performing arts.
The project DOWNLOAD & UPDATE is a consultation, residency and collaboration program for performing artists from Czech Republic, Lithuania and Serbia focused on the development of new performance practice.
The Program will run from May to August 2011 in each participating country and in Düsseldorf (GERMANY). The main aim of Project DOWNLOAD & UPDATE is to support young artists, providing opportunities for international mobility and to build new networks for performing arts in participating countries.
The project DOWNLOAD & UPDATE invites young artists to further develop through professional consultations, to take part in an international residency program and to develop a new performance idea based on their own artistic concept concentrating on current society topics. A selection of three artists (one from each participating country) will be supported by experts, who will function as mentors. Experts from Germany will be invited after the application process so that they can be chosen according to the needs or interests of the participants.
In summer 2011 DOWNLOAD & UPDATE will begin with one-to-one consultation for the selected young artist in their own countries. During a two day consultation they will discuss their concepts with professional artists (mentors) from Germany. After the one-to-one consultation and before the residency in Germany the young artist should prepare their ideas before their research in the studio. Young artists can be supported with studio places in their home countries in order to prepare the own concept.
Later, the young artists will go to Düsseldorf individually or with their own creative team to develop a performance on the base of their own concept. The residency in Düsseldorf 25th July – 5th August 2011 will be closed with a work in progress showing.

Supported by:
Robert Bosch Stiftung